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Tesla DEBT

Simplified answers / considerations

Tesla is a great example of a company with a lot of DEBT. What can you see might be their:
Their entire supply chain for every part of the car. And a car is largely an assembly of many parts.
For example, initially they bought the design of their first car from Lotus in the UK and had them manufacture it
Lotus in turn was buying materials from other suppliers
Those suppliers
External factors
Government subsidies of EV purchases - a very positive influence
Public awareness of climate change and the problem with fossil fuels
Barriers to entry, backlash and burden as they have scaled
Barriers to entry: The automobile industry has it’s own unique distribution and servicing network and Tesla had to break into that with it’s own dealerships
Backlash: Problems with batteries busting into flames, and the self driving software and accidents
Timing issues
The availability of charging stations has become a major issue for buyers as they experience the reality of hours versus minutes to recharge vs refuel

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