But design it for success from the outset, and you’ll increase your chances of building a company.
10 years ago, this workshop arose out of entrepreneurs feedback on what they struggled with. Understanding what it takes to go from building a good product to creating a great company. It struck a chord and 2.3 million people have viewed the original video and continue to give good feedback on it.
Recent feedback:
This is pure gold!!
This is a masterclass on product building
This is the most valuable startup business advice / “secrets”
Needless to say we thought it was time we updated the materials and examples and So I’m delighted to share the new version here, led by my far superior partner Chris Gardner and produced by Claire Crowther and the awesome Harvard i Lab team.
As you watch the video Chris refers to some other key Startup Secrets workshops and you can link to those workshops on the left. But for ease of reference, the key Startup Secrets highlighted are linked below
And if you want more examples and depth on this topic, here is the original workshop, with two great examples that led one recent viewer to share this.
“I’m an hour into this and only realized now that the video is about a decade old. Yet this information is 100% still relevant in this fast moving world”.
That’s thanks to the two great guest speakers:
Gregg Favalora who is both humble enough to share what he learned from failure and smart enough to enable us to learn from him.
John McEleney who highlights the fundamentals of company building with real world examples.
You be the judge of what still resonates for you...
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