Startup Secrets Sandbox
Startup Secrets Sandbox
BUILD the Value Proposition

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AI Assisted Value Proposition Building - v0.1 alpha


Michael's goal is to assist as many entrepreneurs as possible. However, with limited time, he can't personally help everyone. That's where Coda.AI comes in. We're training Startup Secrets AI frameworks with Michael's expertise to support you to use them.
For example using the AI assisted Value Proposition building framework is simple. Just enter your value proposition to receive instant feedback. Based on Michael's decade of experience and his Startup Secrets frameworks, this tool could help you improve your value proposition in real time!

Step by step instructions

Fill in this form, using the framework as your guide, and then hit the Submit button.
Your first name (or go anonymous)
Company or Venture name (or stage 'Stealth')
Our product or service
That provides
Optional: your email
Responses won't be saved because this doc is in play modeSubmit
Review your initial value proposition and feedback on it below:
(Use the search box to find your venture if it’s not immediately visible, and click on it in the left hand column)
Note It may take a few minutes for the AI to do it’s work, so please be patient
And feel free to review other people’s examples while you wait.
Value Proposition - Initial Feedback
Stealth Dating Venture
single people in their 20s or 30s and are otherwise active on social media
Stealth Fridge Camera
busy professional, health-conscious individuals, and families with young children
busy moms on the go
Infrastructure developers, construction companies, and engineers seeking durable and sustainable solutions for concrete structures.
Infrastructure developers, construction companies, and engineers
Future home owners
Aspiring millennial first home buyers in metro LA looking
Stealth food venture
food business owners
The value proposition you input, results in this:
SmartDrug is for Doctors who who need to verify drug interactions, but don’t have the time or resources to keep up to date with the latest information. SmartDrug is a drug interaction review service, based on a database, collected from thousands of the best medical resources provides Doctors with the latest facts, guidance, and cautionary advice to serve physician’s patients as well as protect all involved from poorly informed drug prescriptions. Unlike others our AI informed drug interaction knowledgebase is the first and only smart drug knowledgebase constantly being verified in an AI assisted, human verified closed loop using the largest network of medical professionals and pharma companies in the world..

Copy your initial value prop to the clipboard
Copy initial SmartDrug Value Prop
Could this simplification help you?
SmartDrug is a valuable tool for busy doctors who need to verify drug interactions. It provides doctors with the most current facts, guidance, and cautionary advice, helping to ensure that patients receive the best possible care while avoiding the risks associated with poorly informed drug prescriptions. SmartDrug's AI-informed knowledgebase is constantly being verified in an AI-assisted, human-verified closed loop, using the largest network of medical professionals and pharmaceutical companies in the world. This makes it the first and only smart drug knowledgebase of its kind, providing unparalleled access to the latest information on drug interactions.
If you were sharing this more conversationally or in a prose like form, would this articulation help?
SmartDrug is a valuable tool for busy doctors who need to verify drug interactions, but lack the resources to keep up with the latest information. As a drug interaction review service, SmartDrug utilizes a vast database collected from thousands of reputable medical resources. This provides doctors with the most current facts, guidance, and cautionary advice, helping to ensure that patients receive the best possible care while avoiding the risks associated with poorly informed drug prescriptions.
One of SmartDrug's key advantages over other drug interaction review services is its AI-informed knowledgebase. This knowledgebase is constantly being verified in an AI-assisted, human-verified closed loop, using the largest network of medical professionals and pharmaceutical companies in the world. As such, it is the first and only smart drug knowledgebase of its kind, providing doctors with unparalleled access to the latest information on drug interactions.
In short, SmartDrug is a powerful and reliable tool for doctors who want to ensure the safety and efficacy of their patients' drug prescriptions. By providing access to the most up-to-date information on drug interactions, SmartDrug helps doctors to make informed decisions about their patients' care, while also protecting all involved from the risks associated with poorly informed prescribing practices.
Doctor tool, drug interactions, medical resources, AI knowledgebase, verified, closed loop, cautionary advice, patient safety, pharmaceuticals, physician support
What might be missing ?
The value proposition includes the target customer, their problem or need, and the product features. However, it is missing a clear statement of the unique value or benefit that the product provides to the target customer. Additionally, it does not explicitly state the dissatisfaction with the current alternatives or competitors.
What might be improved?
Provide more specific examples of the medical resources used to collect the database, to increase credibility and trust with potential customers.
Offer a free trial or demo to allow potential customers to experience the benefits of SmartDrug before committing to a subscription.
Expand marketing efforts to target not only individual doctors, but also hospitals and healthcare organizations, to increase the potential customer base.
Revise your value proposition and enter it here to get the final feedback
If you’d find it helpful given the initial feedback above to now revised your value proposition, please do so as follows
First refresh this page in your browser so your Venture name shows up below and then select it in the form below
Then enter your Revised Value Proposition and hit the Submit button

Finally, Compare your original and revised proposition here and get your final feedback below.
(Use the search box to find your venture if it’s not immediately visible, and click on it in the left hand column)
Note It may take a few minutes for the AI to do it’s work, so please be patient
And feel free to review other people’s examples while you wait.
Value Proposition - Final Feedback
Stealth Dating Venture
single people in their 20s or 30s and are otherwise active on social media
Stealth Fridge Camera
busy professional, health-conscious individuals, and families with young children
busy moms on the go
Infrastructure developers, construction companies, and engineers seeking durable and sustainable solutions for concrete structures.
Infrastructure developers, construction companies, and engineers
Future home owners
Aspiring millennial first home buyers in metro LA looking
Stealth food venture
food business owners
Original Value Proposition
SmartDrug is for Doctors who who need to verify drug interactions, but don’t have the time or resources to keep up to date with the latest information. SmartDrug is a drug interaction review service, based on a database, collected from thousands of the best medical resources provides Doctors with the latest facts, guidance, and cautionary advice to serve physician’s patients as well as protect all involved from poorly informed drug prescriptions. Unlike others our AI informed drug interaction knowledgebase is the first and only smart drug knowledgebase constantly being verified in an AI assisted, human verified closed loop using the largest network of medical professionals and pharma companies in the world..

Revised Value Proposition
Safety firstSmartDrug is for Doctors who who need to verify drug interactions, but don’t have the time or resources to keep up to date with the latest information. SmartDrug is a drug interaction review service, based on a database, collected from thousands of the best medical resources provides Doctors with the latest facts, guidance, and cautionary advice to serve physician’s patients as well as protect all involved from poorly informed drug prescriptions. Unlike others our AI informed drug interaction knowledgebase is the first and only smart drug knowledgebase constantly being verified in an AI assisted, human verified closed loop using the largest network of medical professionals and pharma companies in the world…uTest is for companies with web or mobile apps who apps that work as expected in the QA lab, but not in the hands of end user. uTest in the wild testing provides companies with web or mobile apps with testing their apps under real-world conditions . Unlike others outsourced testing, which merely moves the QA lab, to a cheaper part of the world, but does actually improve app quality.
For: Facility Professional
Who are dissatisfied with: Facility Services like Housekeeping and security
Our Products is a: SAAS.
That provides convenient, less cost and efficient.
Unlike: Exiting service providers who is operating traditionally
SOLID is for patient and medic team who are dissatisfied with ICU Analysis performance. SOLID is a AI model that can simplify an ICU Analytic that can provides patient and medic team with mentoring, disease prediction, problem solving, and reduction of medical errors. Unlike others manual ICU Analysis.ASHOKASOLID is for patient and medical team who are dissatisfied with ICU Analytics performance. SOLID is an AI model that can simplify ICU Analytics program that provides patient and medical team with mentoring, predicting, solving problem, and reducting medical errors of patient condition… Unlike others manual ICU Analytics.HFR is for patients with sepsis that require immediate and appropriate treatment who dissatisfied with current improper sepsis treatment. HFR artificial intelligence application provides patients with sepsis that require immediate and appropriate treatment with rapid sepsis prediction for patients. Unlike others manual checks with doctors.
Michael Skok's Feedback:
Hi Alice,
Thank you for sharing your revised value proposition. Overall, I think you're on the right track with "Safety First." It effectively communicates a focus on safety, which is important for many customers.
One suggestion I have is to make sure the value proposition is specific enough to stand out from competitors. How does your product or service prioritize safety in a unique way? Consider adding a specific detail or two to make it more compelling.
Actionable next steps:
Conduct market research to identify specific safety concerns or gaps in the market
Brainstorm ways to differentiate your safety approach from competitors
Thank you for your hard work on this. I'm excited to see how your value proposition evolves.
Michael Skok
Hi Alice, I had the chance to review your Revised Value Proposition for SmartDrug and I think it's a great concept. I like that you're targeting Doctors who don't have the time or resources to keep up to date with the latest information and providing the latest facts, guidance, and cautionary advice to serve physician's patients as well as protect all involved from poorly informed drug prescriptions. One suggestion I would offer is to clarify the unique value proposition of SmartDrug compared to other drug interaction review services. You mention that your AI-informed drug interaction knowledge base is constantly being verified in an AI-assisted, human verified closed loop using the largest network of medical professionals and pharma companies in the world. Perhaps you could provide more information on how this sets you apart from other services in the market. Some actionable next steps could be to conduct more market research to better understand your target audience's pain points and how SmartDrug can alleviate them. You could also consider reaching out to potential customers for feedback and refining your messaging based on their input. Thank you for the opportunity to review your Revised Value Proposition for SmartDrug.Michael Skok would like to thank Alice for sharing her revised value proposition for uTest. The proposition clearly highlights the unique selling proposition of uTest - testing under real-world conditions. However, it could benefit from being more concise and to the point. One suggestion would be to focus on the key benefits of uTest, such as improved app quality and better user experience. Additionally, it may be helpful to provide specific examples of successful projects that have been completed using the uTest platform. As actionable next steps, Alice may want to consider incorporating customer testimonials or case studies to further highlight the benefits of uTest. It may also be helpful to clarify the pricing structure and how it compares to other outsourced testing services. Thank you again for sharing your revised value proposition and for considering these suggestions.
Michael Skok's Feedback:
Thank you for sharing your revised value proposition, Alice. It's great to see that you're targeting a specific audience and addressing their pain points with your SAAS product. One suggestion I have is to add some specific examples or case studies to illustrate how your product provides convenient and efficient solutions at a lower cost compared to traditional service providers. This can help potential customers better understand the value of your product and increase their confidence in making the switch.
Actionable Next Steps:
Consider conducting customer interviews or surveys to gather feedback and insights on pain points and preferences
Develop case studies or success stories to showcase your product's benefits
Test different messaging and positioning strategies to optimize your value proposition
Thank you again for sharing your work, Alice. Best of luck with your product!
Hi Alice,
Thank you for sharing your revised value proposition for SOLID. I appreciate your effort in simplifying the ICU analysis process and providing a solution for reducing medical errors.
I have a few suggestions that I believe can make your proposition even stronger:
Can you provide some specific examples of how SOLID has helped patient and medic teams in the past? This could help potential customers understand the value of your product better.
It would be helpful if you could explain how SOLID differs from other AI models that are currently available in the market.
Lastly, I suggest highlighting the benefits of using SOLID in your proposition. This will help potential customers understand how SOLID can specifically help them and their patients.
Actionable next steps:
Consider conducting case studies to showcase how SOLID has helped patient and medic teams in the past.
Research and analyze your competitors to highlight the key differentiators of SOLID.
Incorporate the benefits of using SOLID in your value proposition.
Thank you for the opportunity to review your revised value proposition. I look forward to seeing how SOLID continues to evolve in the future.
Best regards,
Michael Skok
ASHOKA's revised value proposition looks good overall! However, I have a couple of suggestions for improvement:
The first sentence is a bit wordy and could be simplified for clarity.
It would be helpful to include some specific examples of the social impact that ASHOKA has had, to give readers a better sense of what the organization does.
Actionable next steps:
Consider revising the first sentence to make it more concise and impactful.
Add specific examples of social impact to help readers understand ASHOKA's work more concretely.
Thank you for sharing your revised value proposition, Alice!
Hi Alice, Thank you for sharing your Revised Value Proposition for SOLID. I appreciate the thought and effort put into this proposal. One suggestion I have for improvement is to provide more specific examples of how SOLID can simplify ICU Analytics and reduce medical errors. This can help potential users better understand the benefits and value of your product. Additionally, it may be helpful to clarify who exactly your target audience is - is it hospitals, individual doctors, or both? Defining this can help tailor your messaging and marketing strategies. As for actionable next steps, I suggest conducting user research to gather feedback and insights from potential users. This can help ensure that SOLID meets their needs and addresses pain points effectively. Thank you again for sharing your proposal, and I wish you the best of luck with SOLID. Best regards, Michael SkokHi Alice, Thank you for sharing your revised value proposition for HFR. I appreciate the effort you put into refining your message. One suggestion I have is to make the value proposition more specific. It would be helpful to include some data or statistics that demonstrate the effectiveness of HFR in improving outcomes for sepsis patients. Additionally, it might be useful to clarify how HFR differs from other sepsis prediction tools currently on the market. As for actionable next steps, I recommend conducting user testing to gather feedback on the clarity and effectiveness of the value proposition. This could involve presenting the proposition to a focus group or surveying potential users. Thank you again for sharing your work. Best, Michael Skok
Copy your Revised VP to the clipboard
Copy SmartDrug REVISED Value Prop
Copy your Revised Value Proposition to the clipboard to carry on working with it wherever you want.
Remember, AI isn't flawless. While we've done our best to train the template, it's crucial to use your own judgment and validate the output. Don't rely solely on the AI – trust your own insights and ensure the final version aligns with who you are and what you’re doing authentically. Finally, and check whatever you use is authentic to
We hope this exercise was helpful. Please leave any feedback for us in the comments so we can keep improving this service.
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