“In most people’s vocabularies, design means veneer. But to me, nothing could be further from the meaning of design. Design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation that ends up expressing itself in successive outer layers.”
- Steve Jobs.
This workshop was created to offer insights into the design and development of successful products, in a way that can contribute to building an RSVP, Repeatable, Scalable, Valuable and ultimately Predictable and Profitable company.
“In my experience, most entrepreneurs consider taking their product to market, creating a business model and building a company as after thoughts to product design and development. When considered as a whole and in parallel not serially, they collectively become the natural foundations of an enduring business”.
For those of you who are fans of Product Led Growth (PLG), we are too, and there’s no pride of authorship in Startup Secrets so we encourage you to get the best from both concepts. Because PLG came many years after the Startup Secrets frameworks that focused on reducing go to market friction, they are very complementary and we’ve taken care to acknowledge and integrate them as consistently as possible for you, but your feedback and comments are most welcome as always.
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